Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stones for projects worth over Rs 8,000 crore in Banaskantha district of poll-bound Gujarat on Monday. Laying foundation stones for water-related projects, he said that these projects will help in irrigation facilities in more than six districts of Gujarat, including Banaskantha, Patan, and Mehsana.
Adoption of drip irrigation by farmers of North Gujarat has given a boost to agriculture activities in the region, he said, adding, “on one hand we have the Banas Dairy while on the other hand a 100 MW solar power plant. We have accomplished the goal of getting tap water to every house in the region.”He claimed that 4 lakh hectares of land in Banaskantha are dedicated to using drip and micro irrigation which has resulted in the water table not getting depleted further.
the Prime Minister dedicated two railway projects worth over Rs 2,900 crore at Ahmedabad to the nation. These projects include the Ahmedabad-Himmatnagar-Udaipur Gauge Converted Line and Lunidhar-Jetalsar Gauge Converted Line. The Prime Minister will also flag off new trains between Bhavnagar and Jetalsar and between Asarwa and Udaipur.
Himmatnagar: The Gauge transformation work of 297.24 km long Udaipur-Himmatnagar railway track on Delhi-Mumbai via Udaipur-Dungarpur-Ahmedabad rail corridor has been completed at a cost of Rs 1648 crore. The works in the gauge transformation project are remaining on the section of only 5-kms out of 35-kms railway track from Kharvachanda to Jayasmand. While the railway track is installed in this section, the finishing work is going on. The CRS inspection is likely to be conducted on 31st May. Movement of trains from Ahmedabad to Udaipur is likely to begin from July this year. So far the trains reach up to Dungarpur via Himmatnagar.
The project includes 3 tunnels on the railway track. There are 650 bridges in the project, out of which 108 are under bridges. The electrification of the rail line between Udaipur and Himmatnagar is aimed to be completed before March 2023 at a cost of Rs 300 crore. The superfast trains such as Rajdhani Express, Gatimaan express, Shatabdi express, will pass from Udaipur to Ahmedabad via Dungarpur and Himmatnagar. DeshGujarat