Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced on Friday (20 December) that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Noida International Airport in Jewar, which is scheduled to commence operations by April 2025. The airport, covering an area of 1,334 hectares, is a flagship project of the Uttar Pradesh government.
Located along the Yamuna Expressway, it will become the second major airport in the National Capital Region (NCR) after Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport.This airport will not only connect Uttar Pradesh to the world but also transform Jewar into a global hub of economic and industrial activities.
Situated 35 km from Greater Noida on the Yamuna Expressway, the Jewar airport is expected to feature eight runways upon completion, making it twice the size of Delhi Airport, according to officials from Noida International Airport Limited (NIAL). Concessionaire Yamuna International Airport Private Limited, a subsidiary of Zurich International Airport AG, is constructing the airport under a public-private partnership with the Uttar Pradesh government.
The project will be completed in four phases at an estimated cost of Rs 29,650 crore. The first phase, with an investment of Rs 10,056 crore, aims to serve 12 million passengers annually. Zurich International AG will oversee the airport’s operations for the next 40 years.