Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Himachal Pradesh’s Bilaspur which will be known also known as Green Hospital. Built at a cost of ₹1,470 crores, the hospital is spread over 247 acres with 24 hours emergency and dialysis facilities, and modern diagnostic machines.
With a promise to increase access to affordable healthcare in Himachal Pradesh in an eco-friendly manner, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday inaugurated the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh. He also affirmed that the hospital will run in an environment-friendly manner and will also be known as ‘Green Hospital’.
Himachal Pradesh is one of the three states chosen for Bulk Drugs Park which will ensure access to affordable medicines in the country. Himachal Pradesh is also one of the four states chosen for Medical Device Park. The foundation stone that has been laid in Nalagarh is a part of this. PM Modi also touched upon medical tourism as a potential sector in Himachal Pradesh. As the state has beautiful valleys and views, which also provide fresh air, people from across the world shall visit the state and that state will be equipped with world-class health facilities.